Déchets du bassin

Élevez votre salle de bain avec la collection de bondes de lavabo méticuleusement organisée de Tapron, essentielle pour obtenir une configuration de salle de bain transparente et efficace. Qu'il s'agisse de moderniser un vestiaire ou d'améliorer une salle de bains luxueuse, notre gamme diversifiée de vidages de lavabo allie fonctionnalité...

Élevez votre salle de bain avec la collection de bondes de lavabo méticuleusement organisée de Tapron, essentielle pour obtenir une configuration de salle de bain transparente et efficace. Qu'il s'agisse de moderniser un vestiaire ou d'améliorer une salle de bains luxueuse, notre gamme diversifiée de vidages de lavabo allie fonctionnalité et attrait esthétique pour s'adapter à tous les styles.

Notre assortiment s'étend des designs traditionnels aux designs contemporains, garantissant la compatibilité avec chaque lavabo de salle de bain. Choisissez parmi les lavabos à fentes, les trop-pleins, les trop-pleins pour ceux qui n'en ont pas, les vidages escamotables pour une utilisation facile, les vidages à clapet pour une finition élégante et les vidages à clic pour une touche moderne. Chaque type est conçu pour fournir une solution de gestion des déchets fiable qui évite les blocages et assure un débit d'eau fluide.

La qualité des matériaux et la variété des finitions sont au premier plan de nos offres. Disponible en laiton , or , nickel brossé, noir , bronze à canon , bronze , acier inoxydable et chrome , chaque vidage est conçu pour compléter d'autres luminaires comme les robinets de lavabo et les siphons à bouteilles, améliorant ainsi la cohésion globale du décor de votre salle de bain.

Pour ceux qui recherchent un ajustement spécifique, nos vidages universels sont conçus pour s'adapter à une large gamme de types de lavabos, dans des styles traditionnels et modernes. Tapron s'engage à garantir une qualité et une durabilité supérieures à tous ses produits, ce qui se reflète dans les caractéristiques anticorrosion et la robustesse de nos vidages de lavabo. construction. Cela garantit longévité et facilité d’entretien, vous permettant de profiter d’un environnement de salle de bain impeccable pour les années à venir.

Découvrez le vidage de lavabo parfait pour votre maison avec Tapron, où la fonctionnalité rencontre l'élégance. Parcourez notre sélection aujourd'hui pour trouver des solutions robustes et élégantes qui garantissent que l'installation de votre lavabo est aussi efficace et attrayante que le reste de votre décoration intérieure.

Derniers produits consultés


In the realm of bathroom fixtures, bathroom sink wastes seem like a small and often overlooked component. However, their role in maintaining hygiene, ensuring functionality, and promoting sustainability cannot be overstated. From preventing clogs and odours to conserving water and reducing environmental impact, these wastes play a vital role in creating clean, efficient, and sustainable bathroom environments.

Their primary function is to facilitate the drainage of wastewater from the sink. This waste acts as a path through which water flows into the plumbing system, preventing it from accumulating on the sink which can lead to clogging and slow draining problems. Equipped with traps or strainers, the waste captures debris, hair, and other solid particles, and prevents them from entering the drainage system. Intercepting these contaminants helps maintain optimal drainage and prevent costly and inconvenient clogs.

Stagnant water in sink basins can emit unpleasant odours over time, especially in warm and humid environments. The bathroom sink waste with built-in traps or seals helps prevent foul gases from escaping into the bathroom by creating a barrier between the drain pipe and the air above, enhancing the ambience and setting of any space. By ensuring proper disposal of wastewater, the fitting maintains sanitation and prevents risks of bacterial growth and cross-contamination.

Learn more about a quality buy from our bathroom sink fittings selection: BASIN WASTE: A COMPLETE BUYER’S GUIDE

Slotted and Unslotted Sink Wastes

Slotted Basin Wastes: A slotted basin sink waste is designed to accommodate sinks with overflow holes, which prevent water from overflowing onto the floor if the basin is filled beyond its capacity. It features a small opening near the top, allowing excess water to flow directly into the waste pipe, providing an alternative path for drainage. One of the key benefits is the ability to prevent overflow and water damage and is particularly useful in busy bathrooms to prevent accidental overrunning of taps.

Unslotted Basin Wastes: The selection of unslotted waste for bathroom sinks applies to sinks without overflow holes. Unlike slotted wastes, unslotted designs do not feature a slot or opening near the top, as there is no overflow hole in the sink and are commonly used in modern wash basins and countertops. When installing this fitting, it is essential to ensure a watertight seal between the waste and the sink. Proper installation prevents leaks and ensures efficient drainage, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment in the bathroom.

Universal Basin Wastes: Universal basin wastes are versatile fixtures that accommodate sinks with/without an overflow hole. These wastes feature a removable plug or insert that can be adjusted to suit the specific requirements of the sink, providing easy adjustments to provide optimal drainage and practicality.

Find the perfect sink fittings for your home with our related categories: Countertop Basins | Bathroom Basin Taps

Know more about a basin tap and waste combination with our blog: CHOOSING THE RIGHT BASIN WASTE: SLOTTED VS. UNSLOTTED

Durability and Finish

Investing in high-quality tap waste that is made from durable materials ensures prolonged usability. The quality construction ensures long-term performance and reliability, minimising the need for repairs or replacements. With solid brass construction, it stands out with its exceptional durability, reliability, and aesthetic appeal and is diversified in options of brushed, matt and polished finishes. Whether you need a black, gold or chrome component to match your tapware and countertop sink, Tapron brings you enough options to pick from, ensuring your space always looks posh and modish.

Brass is renowned for its durability and resilience, making it an ideal material for tap and waste construction. Unlike other materials that may corrode or degrade over time, brass withstands the rigours of daily use, resisting rust, corrosion, and tarnishing even with extensive moisture, harsh chemical exposure and temperature fluctuations. Offering reliability and consistency in drainage performance, the quality build ensures a secure and watertight connection between the waste fitting and the sink, preventing leaks and ensuring proper draining.

Types of Basin Wastes

Basin wastes come in a variety of types and configurations to suit different sinks, preferences, and plumbing systems. Our diverse assortment includes:

Click-Clack Wastes: A click-clack cloakroom sink waste is operated by pushing down or pressing on the waste plug to open and close the drain. This user-friendly design eliminates the need for external levers or knobs, requiring only a simple push mechanism to activate it.

Flip Top Waste: This basin waste features a spinning disc mechanism which allows water to sink and drain out with a 180-degree spin, ensuring quick and effective water removal. What sets this basin waste apart is its secure seal, which prevents leaks and ensures a watertight connection between the waste fitting and the sink. This seal not only enhances the functionality but also simplifies operation, making it easy and convenient for users to open and close the waste outlet as needed.

Free-Flow Basin Waste: The standout feature of this waste lies in its continuous flow design, ensuring that water can freely pass through without interruption, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. This innovative basin sink waste eliminates the need for manual opening and closing, providing a hassle-free solution for everyday use.

Overflow Waste Covers: Overflow waste covers are designed to fit over the overflow opening in sinks equipped with overflow holes. The cover serves a dual purpose: preventing water from overflowing onto the floor while allowing excess water to drain away into the waste pipe. By redirecting excess water, overflow covers help prevent spills and leaks that can lead to mould growth and structural damage.

Confused about which bathroom sink waste best meets your requirements and demands? See our blog and make the right decisions for your home: DIFFERENT TYPES OF BASIN WASTE WELL EXPLAINED


De quels déchets de bassin ai-je besoin (NOUVELLES DONNÉES)

Dans notre guide complet, nous explorons le monde des bondes de lavabo et vous aidons à faire le bon choix pour votre lavabo de salle de bain. Découvrez les différents types de déchets de bassin et comprenez leurs fonctions.


Choisir le bon vidage de bassin : à fente ou sans fente

Explorez les différences entre les vidages de lavabo à fente et sans fente, leur installation, les considérations clés et les tendances futures en matière d'accessoires de salle de bain chez Tapron UK.


Différents types de déchets de bassin bien expliqués

Plongez dans le domaine des systèmes de gestion des déchets par bassin et comprenez leur rôle dans un drainage efficace. Explorez une variété d’options de déchets adaptées à différents styles et besoins, garantissant à la fois fonctionnalité et esthétique.