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Different Types of Radiator Valves

by Globo 29 Feb 2024 0 Comments
Gold Towel Rail

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All radiators require valves to regulate the water flow into the units, and these are now available in a range of designs and finishes. To easily halt the flow of the central heating circuit into the towel radiator, radiator valves are essential regardless of their shape. There used to be multiple entrance radiator valves and the extremely popular microbore radiator valve, which is still used in old stone buildings and on conventional systems.

Due to the widespread use of radiators as a heating source, two pipe systems and a far more effective central heating circuit were developed. If you're planning to purchase a new radiator, you could utilise your current valves, but if you're altering the pipes or the radiator's design, you could need to change the valves.

You usually need two valves on every radiator since the system requires a flow and return. The newly heated water from the boiler is transported via the flow pipes. It is brought back via the return at a lower temperature so that the boiler may reheat it. The radiator, also known as a heat emitter, utilises the heat and disperses it throughout the space with the aid of convector fins and a sizable surface area. Everything you need to know about radiator valves is included in this detailed guide by Tapron, so you don’t go wrong with your one-time purchase!

What is a Radiator Valve?

In the simplest words possible, the radiator valve aids in regulating how much hot water enters and exits the radiator. The amount of heat that the radiator can produce is managed by managing this water flow. The thermostat is just one method of regulating the total heat in a central heating system; the valves' primary function is to regulate the heat of the radiators.

Corner Radiator Valvesmatt black corner radiator valves-tapron

Valves are where the pipes enter and leave the radiator, on the bottom of the radiator. However, some radiators also feature valves that enter the radiator's centre at the bottom. These are often located at the bottom left and right of the radiator.

The thermostatic, manual, and lock shield valves are only a few of the numerous types of valves offered.

According to the access to the radiator and piping, these valves also exist in a few distinct types. Many arrangements are angled, corner, straight, and h-block valves.

 How Much is a Radiator Valve Important?

1. A radiator valve's primary purpose is to regulate the amount of hot water that may enter and exit a radiator, hence controlling the amount of heat the radiator produces

2.While a thermostat may be in charge of regulating the property's general heating level, the radiator valve would be in charge of managing that particular radiator.This may just refer to whether the radiator is on or off in simpler models.

3.When the thermostat, for example, is set to 20 degrees and measures the temperature in one place, hot water will be circulated throughout the system and heat all radiators save those were the valves are completely off.

4.It is possible that a bedroom's unoccupied radiator is off, reducing the cost of heating an empty space.

5.Radiator valves are required for each radiator in your home. The lock-shield valve, which is one of the valves, balances the system by regulating how much heat the radiator emits, while the other valve regulates how much hot water is allowed to enter the radiator.

Types of Radiator Valves

There are a number of radiator valves available in the market and different radiator valves serve various purposes, from kitchen radiators to bathroom radiators. The most common types of radiator valves are described in the following sections:

1. Manual Radiator Valves

The simplest radiator valve is a manual valve, which functions simply like a tap. The valve can be opened, closed, or partially opened, allowing the radiator to just partially fill. 

These valves might be helpful if you want a room to constantly be heated to the same level, for instance, if you want the room to be fully heated when the heating turns on. For instance, a lounge or living room may be an example of this.

Gold traditional thermostatic radiator valve

The drawback is that they won't function well if the user doesn't keep adjusting them.

In the same way, at night, when the primary goal may be to heat the bedrooms, the heating may be squandering energy by heating the kitchen unless the valves there have been turned off if it is on during the day and heating numerous bedrooms that won't be in use for hours.

2. Thermostatic Radiator Valves

TRVs, or thermostatic radiator valves, can be far more effective. When the thermostatic valve senses that the radiator has achieved the desired temperature, it shuts off the supply of water to the radiator.

The boiler could still be producing hot water to heat other rooms, but this particular radiator would now be turned off until the room temperature dropped once more. This is independent of the overall heating.

thermostatic radiator enables

A thermostatic radiator enables much more precise temperature control; for example, rooms may be set to a low setting to provide some base heating without wasting energy by raising the temperature past the point where the room is really being used.

A thermostatic radiator valve gives additional control over the heating in that area while being just as simple to install as a manual valve.

When deciding between manual and TRVs, TRVs are typically advised due to the far higher heating control they offer.

3. Lockshield Valves

The radiator valve on which a plastic cap is often placed is known as the lock-shield valve. The word lockshield refers to the plastic cap that, once the valve has been adjusted, protects it from being inadvertently modified.

When balancing radiators in separate rooms, the lockshield valve has to be adjusted.

A radiator requires additional hot water running through it if it takes too long to warm up. This indicates that the lockshield valve has to be opened in order to speed up the radiator's filling.

It could be necessary to limit the flow through a radiator if it heats up more quickly than others.

additional hot water lockshield valve

To do this, the lockshield valve on the radiator needs to be tightened in order to lessen the water flow.

The advantage of installing lockshield radiator valves on radiators is that you can simply decide which rooms you want to heat up more quickly than others.

The temperature valve operates at a micro level, adjusting fine details of flow or temperature, while the lockshield valve functions at a macro level, managing overall system flow or balance. This distinction implies that adjusting the lockshield valve affects the entire system's balance, rather than merely altering the temperature in a single room, which can be a more effective approach to system-wide temperature management.

A lockshield valve aids in balancing that radiator to make sure the entire system is in sync and that all radiators are heating uniformly.

Therefore, it is just as crucial a valve since it frequently serves little use to change a single temperature valve if the system is not balanced.

Before the system can be changed room-by-room, it must first be in balance.

4. Smart Radiator Valves

smart thermostat connected to WiFi,

With a smart thermostat connected to WiFi, you can manage your heating using an app on a smart smartphone if you choose to go in for a smart radiator valve. If your smart thermostat is compatible with smart TRVs, you can use your app from anywhere in the world to control every TRV in your house making it immensely convenient for the users!

Pipe System and Radiator Valve Inlets Explained

Your pipes are distributed throughout your home based on a type of pipe system. They may run along the exterior of your home's walls and be visible, or they may be completely internal and hidden beneath the flooring.

The type of radiator or heated towel rail you have will mostly determine where the valve inlets are located on your radiator, which is a very simple process.

For instance, the entrance point for a heated towel rail is often found at the bottom, beneath.

If your central heating pipes protruded from the wall in this case, you would require angled radiator valves to connect the horizontal pipework to the heated towel rail's valve input.

Typical radiators feature side inlets, such as double and single-panel convectors or compact radiators. Once more, you'll find them towards the bottom of your radiator. However, because they typically only provide access from the side laterally, you'll probably need to utilise angled radiator valves to connect the piping to the intake.

Middle connection valve inlets can be seen in certain more contemporary radiator designs. These are located at the bottom of the radiator in the middle. This type of radiator, which has long been popular in Europe, is now being brought to the UK market. It is a terrific method to maximise the small amount of wall and floor space available, making it perfect for bathrooms and cloakrooms.

Last but not least, it's probably crucial to remember that certain radiators may be supplied by pipes that enter through the floor and may require specific installation considerations or adjustments. Unlike traditional radiators where pipes typically connect at the sides, this setup might necessitate alterations to existing plumbing to accommodate the central bottom inlet. This could involve rerouting pipes or modifying the floor to ensure a seamless and efficient installation. Such adjustments, while requiring additional planning and potentially higher initial installation costs, can lead to a more aesthetically pleasing and space-efficient solution. Especially in renovations where space is at a premium or a minimalist design is desired, the benefits of this configuration can far outweigh the initial complexities.

Which One is Best for You - Manual OR Thermostatic Valves? 

In general, manual valves are easier to use and smaller in size than thermostatic valves. Since they are manual, you must keep in mind to manually switch them off when not in use. If not, you will be squandering money and energy on heat that you don't require. Thermostatic radiator valves can help in this situation.

Modern radiator valves are thermostatic valves. For the most part, they let the radiator operate on its own. The TRV will turn the valve off for you, so you don't have to worry about doing it yourself. This will save you from wasting money and energy, which will lower your heating costs and improve the environment. 

How do TRVs maintain self-monitoring? They have an internal temperature sensor, which is actually a bit of wax or liquid, that maintains the ambient temperature at a steady level. We advise installing TRVs on your radiators since they offer increased efficiency and are controlled, and so do energy providers.

Advantages of Manual Radiator Valves

We have all grown up with and utilised the radiator industry standard for ages: the manual valve. Because of this, they are easier to find in stores and have a much wider range of options, such as styles.

The manual valve may provide you more precise control over your home heating system and is frequently less expensive to install than TRVs. Your manual valves may be adjusted to the various temperatures in each area of your house. This is especially true if you're heating the entire house yet need various temperatures in different rooms.

For instance, due to the warmth and humidity created by cooking and cleaning, the temperatures in the kitchen and bathroom may need to be different from those in the living room and bedroom. Manual valves allow you the flexibility to regulate your home's ecosystem on a smaller scale because some rooms might not require any heating at all.

Advantages of Thermostatic Radiator Valves

Due to the fact that the maximum capacity of thermostatic valves is in line with the heating output guidelines for efforts to reduce carbon footprints, they are significantly more ecologically friendly than manual valves.

Thermostatic radiator valves can cost more elsewhere even if their prices are comparable to those of manual valves. However, TRVs will save you more cash over time, which is quite advantageous given how high heating costs can go if you're not cautious. One of the finest methods to make your heating as simple and uncomplicated as possible is to use a thermostatic radiator valve.

Just select your thermostatic radiator valve's maximum temperature, and you can unwind as TRVs control your heating system. In practice, it's quite unusual that you'll need to heat every room in your house to the same temperature unless you have a large number of visitors, which is why TRVs are so helpful in reducing heat waste.

Different Shapes of Radiator Valves?

When purchasing or changing a valve, the first choice that must be made is the style of valves that is required, such as an angled valve, a straight valve, or a corner valve. This depends on where your pipes and valves are situated, which should be fairly easy to determine visually.

Angled Radiator Valves

Along with thermostatic valves, angled radiator valves are the most popular form of valves in the UK. As the name angled radiator valve suggests, they create an angle between your radiator and your central heating pipes that is typically approximately 90 degrees.

Angled Radiator Valves

As you'll need an angle to be able to fit your pipes into the radiator’s inlet connection, you'd be able to make the greatest use of these if your piping emerges from the wall or from beneath the flooring.

This type of valve is becoming more and more popular since, compared to straight valve alternatives, it looks neater and leaves less visible piping, making it ideal for installations with a simpler aesthetic.

Straight Radiator Valves

Because the water inside these valves runs straight and is not deflected, diverted, or dispersed at an angle, they are known as straight radiator valves.

The best option to ensure your heating operates effectively would be to buy a straight radiator valve if your pipework is run along the wall and directly into the radiator, or perhaps even straight up and out of the flooring. They have no bends or curves and will typically connect from the floor horizontally.

Corner Radiator Valves

Corner radiator valves, sometimes referred to as flat front valves, are typically a cosmetic option.

A corner radiator valve won't stick out as much from the radiator's bottom as an angled radiator valve does. With angled valves, there is a (rare) possibility that you may hit one with your shin and receive a beautiful bruise as compensation.

radiator valve

Corner valves, however, completely eliminate that concern since the top of the valve is parallel to the wall and faces inside rather than outward. Just be cautious when selecting this kind of valve since, depending on where your radiator is located, it could be trickier to adjust than just using a regular angled valve.

H-Block Valves

H-Block valves serve to lessen the influence your radiator or heated towel rail has on your room and are appropriate for use with central or middle connection radiators (which are essentially the same thing).

An H block valve from the Milano Aruba Flow Middle Valve is shown up close.

They do this by eliminating the requirement to allow room on each side of the appliance, which would typically be set aside for the valves.

H-Block valves are a fashionable and practical addition to your home heating since they are also simpler to install, remove, and replace than traditional straight and angled valves.

Different Style Option Available in Radiator Valves

Modern Valves

Contemporary radiator valves are put together with the top-notch latest technology which includes efficient thermostats and balance control as well. These valves not only have a well-planned and newly designed mechanism but also possess the best of modern designs wisely picked with the sole aim to make them easier to blend in with the modern pipework and other parts.

Dual Fuel Radiator Valve - Brushed Brass

                              Dual Fuel Radiator Valve - Brushed Brass

We have listed down below a few must-haves from our collection of fine modern radiator valves:

  1. Black Dual Fuel Radiator Valve
  2. Chrome Straight Towel Rail Valve
  3. Angled Gold Radiator Valve
  4. Brushed Black Corner Radiator Valve

Traditional Valves

In addition to regulating the water flow for central heating systems and modifying the temperature in a room, conventional radiator valves provide an exquisite and antique touch to any décor. They come in a variety of forms and patterns, and for a vintage look, they are the ideal complement for traditional cast iron systems.

Traditional Angled Radiator Valve - Chrome

                    Traditional Angled Radiator Valve - Chrome

We love The Traditional Angled Radiator Valves with Wooden Handles from our collection!

We refer to radiator valve size in terms of the connection and pipes rather than the actual size of the valve. The most prevalent pipes are 15mm, and the majority of valves are designed to accommodate this size. However, piping of a diameter of 8 to 28 mm may be found.

You might want to purchase an adaptor if you do have piping that is smaller or larger than 15 mm and are having trouble finding the necessary valves.

Shop Radiator Valve at Tapron

We're dedicated to giving you the greatest selection of radiator valves at Tapron along with other accessories, as our aim is to give you every option you need to turn your dream home into a reality!

Our vast selection of finishes, which vary from the rustic, classic look of our Antique Brass valves to the fashionable, sleek tones of our Black and Anthracite valves, and everything in between, perfectly match whatever interior design style you may have.

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