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How to Replace Your Bath with a Shower - A Step-by-Step Guide

by E Cavendish 09 Mar 2024 0 Comments
How to Replace Your Bath with a Shower - A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Replace Your Bath with a Shower

Are you considering how to replace your bath with a shower?

This transition is a popular choice for many homeowners looking to save space, water, and time.

Showers are not only efficient and invigorating but also add a modern, eco-friendly touch to your bathroom.

In this guide, we will navigate the process of replacing a bath with a shower, from the initial preparation to the final touches, ensuring you can enjoy a stylish and functional shower.

Benefits of Replacing Your Bath with a Shower

There are several compelling reasons to make the switch:

  • Space-Saving: Showers free up valuable bathroom space, making your bathroom feel more open and spacious.
  • Water Efficiency: Showers use less water than baths, especially if kept under 5 minutes. You'll contribute to water conservation.
  • Time-Saving: In our fast-paced lives, a quick shower is often more practical than a long soak in the bath.
  • Easy Cleaning: Shower enclosures are easier to clean than bathtubs, with no deep corners to scrub.
  • Modern Look: Showers can give your bathroom a sleek and contemporary appearance.

Preparation: Measuring and Plumbing

checking bath plumbing for bath replacement

Before you start, take these crucial steps:

  1. Measure Your Bath: Record the length, width, and height of your existing bath. These dimensions will guide your choice of shower and enclosure.
  2. Check Plumbing and Drainage: Ensure your bathroom's plumbing and drainage are suitable for a shower installation. Plumbing alignment is critical for a smooth transition.

Choosing the Right Shower Enclosure

Selecting the perfect shower enclosure involves considering your bathroom's size and layout. Rectangular shower enclosures often align well with standard bath sizes. Be mindful of the shower head's spray pattern to prevent excess water splashing outside the enclosure.

Selecting the Perfect Shower System

Explore different shower systems, including eco-friendly options and those with various pressure settings. Choose a shower system that suits your preferences, water-saving goals, and available plumbing.

Wall Covering: Tiles or Shower Wall Panels?


Decide whether you want to use tiles or shower wall panels to cover the walls of your shower enclosure. Tiles offer a traditional look, while shower wall panels offer quick installation and easy maintenance. Ensure your chosen wall covering is waterproof.

Finding a Reliable Plumber

Start your search for a reputable and experienced plumber well in advance. Check online platforms for reviews and recommendations. Hiring a professional plumber ensures a smooth and successful project.

Step-by-Step Guide: Replacing Your Bath with a Shower

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of replacing your bath with a shower:

Step 1: Removal of the Bath

  • Drain the water from your bath and turn off the water supply.
  • Disconnect and remove the taps, waste, and overflow fittings.
  • Carefully remove the bath from its current location. You may need assistance as baths can be heavy.

Step 2: Plumbing Adjustments

  • If necessary, make adjustments to the plumbing to accommodate the shower tray and showerhead.
  • Ensure that the new plumbing aligns with the dimensions and layout of your chosen shower enclosure.

Step 3: Installation of the Shower Tray

  • Install the shower tray according to the manufacturer's instructions. Make sure it's level and securely fixed in place.

Step 4: Fitting the Shower Enclosure

  • Assemble and fit the shower enclosure according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Ensure it's stable and level.
  • Connect any necessary plumbing, including the showerhead and controls.

Step 5: Wall Covering Installation

  • If you've chosen tiles, install them on the shower walls using appropriate adhesive and grout.
  • For shower wall panels, follow the manufacturer's instructions to secure them in place.

Step 6: Finishing Touches

  • Add any finishing touches, such as shelves, soap dishes, or storage units, to your new shower.
  • Ensure all fittings and fixtures are securely in place and properly sealed to prevent water leakage.

Step 7: Final Inspection

  • Before using your new shower, perform a final inspection to check for any leaks or issues.
  • Test the shower to ensure it functions correctly and that water drains properly.

bath to shower

Enjoying Your New Shower

Once everything is in order, you can start enjoying your new shower. It's a convenient and efficient addition to your bathroom that will save you space, water, and time while enhancing the overall look and feel of your space.

Maintenance Tips:

Here are some essential maintenance tips to keep your shower in top condition:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Make a habit of cleaning your shower enclosure, walls, and fixtures regularly. Use a mild, non-abrasive cleaner to prevent soap scum and mineral buildup. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the finish.
  2. Grout and Sealant Inspection: Check the grout and sealant around your shower tiles or wall panels periodically. Repair any cracks or gaps to prevent water from seeping into the walls.
  3. Drain Maintenance: Ensure that the shower drain remains clear of hair and debris. Consider using a drain cover to catch large particles. If you notice slow drainage, use a drain snake to clear any clogs.
  4. Showerhead Cleaning: Remove and clean the showerhead to prevent mineral deposits from affecting water flow. Soak it in a vinegar solution to dissolve buildup.
  5. Leak Detection: Keep an eye out for any signs of leaks, such as water stains or peeling paint on nearby walls. Address any leaks promptly to prevent water damage.
  6. Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential to prevent mold and mildew growth. Use exhaust fans or open windows after showering to reduce humidity levels.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  1. Inadequate Planning: Rushing into the project without careful planning can lead to unexpected issues. Take the time to measure, assess plumbing, and choose the right fixtures and materials.
  2. Ignoring Waterproofing: Waterproofing is crucial in a shower installation. Skipping proper waterproofing can result in leaks and costly repairs. Ensure that all areas within the shower enclosure are adequately waterproofed.
  3. Poor Drainage: Improper drainage can lead to water pooling and mold growth. Ensure that the shower floor slopes correctly toward the drain and that the drain functions efficiently.
  4. DIY Overconfidence: While DIY projects can be rewarding, some aspects of a bath-to-shower conversion may require professional expertise. Don't hesitate to seek help from a plumber or contractor for complex tasks.
  5. Neglecting Ventilation: Inadequate ventilation can create a humid environment that promotes mold growth. Invest in a quality exhaust fan or window ventilation to maintain proper airflow.
  6. Using Incompatible Materials: Ensure that all materials used, including wall coverings and sealants, are compatible with wet environments. Using the wrong materials can lead to deterioration over time.

FAQ Section: 

1.Is it easy to replace a bath with a shower?
Replacing a bath with a shower can range from moderately easy to complex, depending on several factors.

If the existing plumbing and space accommodate a shower without significant alterations, it can be a straightforward process. 

However, if extensive plumbing adjustments, floor reinforcement, or tile work are required, the task becomes more complex. It's advisable to consult a professional to assess your specific situation.

2.How much does it cost to replace a bath with a shower in the UK?
The cost of replacing a bath with a shower in the UK varies widely based on factors such as the quality of materials, the complexity of the installation, and regional differences in labor costs.

On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from £1,200 to £5,000. This range includes basic installations with modest materials to more luxurious options with high-end fixtures and extensive tile work.

3.Can I turn my bath into a shower?
Yes, it is possible to convert a bathtub into a shower.

This conversion typically involves removing the existing bathtub, adjusting plumbing to suit a shower setup, and installing a new shower tray or base, along with shower walls and a door or curtain.

Depending on the layout and structure of your bathroom, additional modifications may be required.

It’s recommended to seek advice from a professional plumber or contractor for a safe and efficient conversion.

4.Is it smart to replace a bathtub with a shower?
Replacing a bathtub with a shower can be a smart decision for various reasons.

Showers often use less water than baths, offering potential savings on water bills and being more environmentally friendly. 

Additionally, showers can provide better accessibility, particularly for those with mobility issues. They also save space in smaller bathrooms, making the area feel larger.

However, consider the potential impact on home resale value, as some buyers prefer having at least one bathtub in a home.


In conclusion, replacing your bath with a shower is a straightforward process that can bring numerous benefits to your bathroom.

Whether you're doing it for space-saving purposes, water efficiency, or modern aesthetics, following these steps and enlisting the help of a professional plumber will ensure a successful transition.

Enjoy your new shower!

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